
Drag to sort list (no touch)

  • Browser compatibility
  • Looking for more example templates
  • Customizing components
  • The fastest way to get started
  • HTML5 doctype required

Nestable list (touch support)

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
    1. Item 3
    2. Item 4
    3. Item 5
      1. Item 6
      2. Item 7
      3. Item 8
    4. Item 9
  1. Item 10
    1. Item 11
  2. Item 12
  3. Item 13
  4. Item 14
  5. Item 15
    1. Item 16
    2. Item 17
    3. Item 18
  1. Drag
    Item 13
  2. Drag
    Item 14
  3. Drag
    Item 15
    1. Drag
      Item 16
    2. Drag
      Item 17
    3. Drag
      Item 18